Wednesday 12 February 2014

A Special Barbadian Woman - Haajima (Hajra) Degia

I mentioned my sister Haajima (Hajra) Degia a few days ago in an entry on World Hijab Day.  Barbados Faces, an online magazine that highlights Barbadian women, did a feature on her recently.  The article focuses on the severe obstacles she faced and overcame in her quest to live a life outside of the norms of her Gujarati community and the significant achievements, academic and professional, that she has attained with the help of the Almighty.

I had penned a much longer entry that delves into the internal dynamics of the Gujarati community but decided to save it for another entry in the future.  The entry is hard hitting and I know that Gujaratis here would find it offensive.  Of course, what they feel or think is of no concern to me but I decided that it would be best to leave this mention of the Barbados Faces article as a standalone and present my commentary on Gujaratis in Barbados later.  You can therefore look out for that at some point soon.

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